Our history and our values

Our history

Created in 1995 by Jean-Marc Graciano, accompanied by his wife Joëlle Graciano with the activity of manufacturing hydraulic valves for irrigation and drinking water supply networks.

In 2001, Matthieu Graciano took over the management of the company with the aim of developing the distribution network and strengthening industrial partnerships. In 2007, Romain Graciano joined the team. Aqua'Tec then developed a range of services and turned to the international market and developing countries. The humanitarian commitment and the desire to invest in actions and projects aimed at improving access to drinking water in the world are therefore firmly rooted in Aqua'Tec's values.

Since then, Aqua'Tec has surrounded itself with employees, including Emma in the sales department and Sylvain in logistics are the pillars. Our company remains on a human scale but is committed to providing the best possible service.

Une des premières série de fabrication de vannes hydrauliques en 1995.

Inauguration du nouveau bâtiment en 2011.

In 2020, we decided to give our visual communication a facelift. This new visual identity is an evolution of the image of Aqua’Tec, in order to better correspond to the current dynamics of our company.

Your satisfaction, our priority:

"I wanted to thank you personally for your responsiveness and your professionalism, all this during a period that does not allow us to be fully available. Your interest and knowledge were really appreciated."

Brice Pageaud, Solidarités Internationales, RDC

Our values

Water is our business, our priority.

Water is a vital good for humanity. Some regions of the world have great difficulty in obtaining water supplies. This is why we believe that it is our duty to allow everyone to have drinking water and to irrigate their crops.

As a responsible and committed company, we also adhere to the Global Compact. which is a simple, universal and voluntary framework of engagement, which revolves around 10 principles relating to respect for Human Rights, international labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption. At our level, we are doing everything we can to advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the Global Compact.

The 10 principles we adhere to

Human rights

  1. Promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.

  2. Take care not to be complicit in human rights violations

International labor standards

3. Respect freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining

4. Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in employment

5. Contribute to the effective abolition of child labor

6. Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor


7. Apply the precautionary approach to environmental issues

8. Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility

9. Encourage the development of the diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

Fight against corruption

10. Act against corruption in all its forms including extortion and bribes