Volumetric dosing controller, batch addition


  • Batch dosing

  • Automatic control to fill tanks with a certain volume of liquid

  • Proportional addition to a pulse input, for example from a water meter

The Micro-Controller is a PLC allowing the simple and economical automation of electric and hydraulic metering pumps equipped with a pulse transmitter.

By equipping the FERTIC dosing pump or an electric pump with a pulse output, the Micro-Controller can then automate the injection by controlling the volume injected. Coupled with a water meter, the pump then becomes a proportional metering pump which does not create any pressure drop in the network.

Volumetric dosing controller, bacth addition

  • Batch dosing

  • Automatic control to fill tanks with a certain volume of liquid

  • Proportional addition to a pulse input, for example from a water meter